Is my team ready to return to the office? What needs to be true for my employees to be comfortable returning to the workplace? How can I better understand the behavioral drivers of work-from-home productivity?

Return-to-Work is not as Simple as “Back to Normal”

COVID-19 tested organizations' flexibility and creativity as employees transitioned to Work-from-Home. The immediate future holds additional challenges as employees return to work facing ongoing COVID-19 risks and other reservations.

Repeated ongoing WFH and RTW transitions to seem likely in future: organizations must become adept at handling transitions smoothly. Understanding employees’ RTW concerns and attitudes can streamline transitions and reveal potential problems in time to mitigate them.

Register now to receive a recording of our webinar, 'Identifying and Overcoming Barriers for Returning to Work using Behavioral Science' and to access to the BEworks Work-From-Home and Return-To-Work Diagnostics brochure

About the Speakers

Kelly Peters

Kelly Peters MBA
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, BEworks

Kelly founded BEworks with Professors and renowned behavioral scientists Dan Ariely and Nina Mazar in 2010. Kelly has extensive experience in the field of behavioral science leading a portfolio of hundreds of experimental BE projects around the world, solving challenges in financial decision-making, health, and happiness. Kelly developed the BEworks Method, which is a proprietary framework for how to drive marketing, innovation and organizational transformation. She frequently speaks about the value of behavioral insights and scientific thinking to business leaders and policy makers. In addition to serving as a visiting lecturer at Cornell, Harvard, and Boston University, she is on the Faculty at Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.


Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely PhD
Co-founder of BEworks and Professor of Behavioral Economics, Duke University

Dan Ariely’s groundbreaking experimental research and prolific writing has made him one of the most prominent leaders in the field of Behavioral Economics; an interdisciplinary science combining psychology, and economics to understand human behavior
and decision-making.

Dan’s writing on irrational decision-making in the marketplace has been featured in the most prominent academic journals and in a variety of popular media outlets such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and the Boston Globe, among many others. He has also written three New York Times best-selling books that have become recognized standards in the field: Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and The Honest Truth About Dishonesty.



BEworks Return-to-Work Diagnostics Tool Brochure

Click the above image to learn more

Go beyond asking how employees feel about RTW. Learn what factors drive their risk judgments, and whether safety procedures you're considering are viewed as necessary or excessive.

  1. Assess perceived risk and risk tolerance across domains

  2. Predict your workforce's level of comfort with RTW using psychometrics 

  3. Diagnose your employees' shared fears so you can draft health and safety protocols that have a widespread impact on employee experience


For more information about the Return-to-Work Diagnostic Tool, contact