We want to thank you for registering for our webinar, "The Next Frontier of Healthcare - How BE and Digital Technologies Come Together for Better Care."

We were joined by a global group of attendees and are extremely grateful for your support. The better we can understand people through behavioral science, the bigger impact we'll have on the lives of others, especially in the healthcare space.

In case you missed our event, we have attached the video recording and a summary document of key highlights.


Our speakers and panelists included:


Circle PPT Headshot_Kelly Peters

Kelly Peters, MBA
CEO & Co-Founder of BEworks

The leading expert in applied behavioral science who will share real-world examples of science applied to practice in the health domain with some of the world’s largest organizations.



Circle PPT Headshot_Ada Le

Dr. Ada Le, PhD
Vice President of BEworks

Leading the healthcare portfolio, Ada will provide an analysis into the psychology of digital adoption and what this means for healthcare and insurance companies looking to encourage healthier behaviors.



Circle PPT Headshot_Dan Ariely

Prof. Dan Ariely, PhD
Co-Founder of BEworks and Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke University

As a renowned academic who is responsible for making behavioral science mainstream, Dan will shed light on the predictably irrational biases that guide our behavior and how to overcome them in digital spaces.



Circle_Julie OBrien

Dr. Julie O’Brien, PhD
Director of Behavioral Science at WW

Julie will explore how WW has been applying behavioral science using its digital platforms to deploy evidence-based nudges to drive healthier outcomes.



Circle_Reena Pande

Dr. Reena Pande, MD
Chief Medical Officer, AbleTo

Will shed light on AbleTo’s pioneering virtual healthcare platform and how they deploy an innovative approach for behavior change - facilitating improvements in both mental and medical health - results in happier and healthier individuals with reduced depression, better medical outcomes, and reduced near-term overall health care expenditures.



Hosted by:


Circle_John BreenJohn Breen
Executive Director of Health Strategy, kyu

Leading kyu’s efforts to imaginatively address the big questions that will shape the future of healthcare and well-being, John will facilitate the expert panel discussion. His goal? Harness the interdisciplinary talent and experience of the panel to unlock new thinking and catalyze change.