We explore an important question: How can we help investors make rational decisions during a global pandemic?

Anxiety, scarcity mindset, and numerous behavioural biases mean that these uncertain times lead to sub-optimal behaviours by investors.

How can we help financial advisors and investors achieve better long-term outcomes?

Learn the evidence-based solutions from behavioral economics, and BEworks' own research and case-studies, that can be applied to help investors make better decisions during times of market irrationality.

Hear from David Lewis, BEworks’ Chief Client Officer, and Max Thompson, BEworks’ Executive Advisor to Financial Services, with an introduction by BEworks Co-founder, Professor Dan Ariely.


Over 500 registrants from 48 countries and attendees from organizations including:



Register now to receive a recording of our webinar, 'How Investors can Stay Rational in Irrational Times' and to access to the BEworks Investor Solutions brochure

About the Speakers

Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely PhD
Co-Founder & Chief Behavioral Scientist, BEworks

Dan is the James B Duke Professor of Behavioral Economics at
Duke University and co-founder of BEworks. He is considered a world expert on financial decision-making and has authored several NYT best-selling books on the topic, including Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and Dollars and Sense.


David Lewis

David Lewis PhD, MBA, CFA
Chief Client Officer, BEworks

David advises senior leaders on the impact of BE on their
business challenges. David has held numerous senior positions including President, CEO, and Board Chair, at global financial institutions including Barclays Wealth USA, UBS Bank USA, UBS Financial Services Americas, ING DIRECT USA, and Bank of Nova Scotia.


Max Thompson

Max Thomson MBA, CFA
Executive Advisor, Financial Services, BEworks

At BEworks, Max uses his expertise and experience
in collaborating with financial institutions to understand their challenges and articulate how BE infused strategies can complement core underlying strategies. He has spent 20+ years with Royal Bank of Canada and is a subject matter expert in Retail Banking and Wealth Management.





There is no neutral presentation,
only unconsidered presentation 

Investors need communications that:

  • Keep things simple
  • Mitigate the effect of anxiety
  • Mitigate the effects of
    scarcity mindset
  • Nudge to overcome common biases

Re-design your communications with a BE lens including everything from:

  • Statements/Letters/Messages
  • Digital Investment Platform Optimization
  • Advisor Scripts
  • Call centre scripts
  • And much much more

To learn more about BEworks Investor Solutions please contact info@BEworks.com